<span style="font-size: 150%"><center><strong><em>Welcome to my userpage</em></strong></center></span><center>Hi, I'm tokomae, an osu!mania player since 2019 and mapper since 2021.</center> <center>I mainly play LN, SV or easy map for fun and do mapping occasionally, you can check out my map in my main bancho profile <a class="default-link" href="https://osu.ppy.sh/users/15181375">here</a></center> <br><center>I'm also a 4K nominator in <strong>MamesOsu</strong> (this server!).</center><center> If you have some cool LN or hybrid map that you think is cool or unique, be sure to share with me! I might consider rank it! (tokomae#8887 or #map-request in MamesOsu discord server)</center><br>