This private server shows scores by mode, which are not ranked in the official servers such as Relax and AutoPilot.
You can also rank and score within the server. Let's try to get server #1!
Introduction of features (mainly Discord) Discord server
# 🏆 | score
In this channel, when someone passes a map or takes first place on a map in MamesOsu, their score and status are automatically sent.
# 📃 | map-request
This channel allows you to apply for maps that are not Ranked to be Ranked or are Ranked to be DeRanked.
The submitted maps will be reviewed by testers and those that pass the review will be notified to # 🎶 | beatmaps .
Your favorite map could be Ranked!
# 📃 | map-request
# 🎶 | beatmaps
# 💭 | general-chat , # 💭 | osu-chat
In this channel you can chat with other players: # 💭 | osu-chat for osu-related matters, # 💭 | general-chat for everything else.
# 💭 | general-chat
# 💭 | osu-chat
Mamestagram has many more features,
so please join us and experience them for yourself!
Welcome to Mamestagram!
Thank you for joining Mamestagram.
The following rules must be strictly followed while using Mamestagram.
There are rules for both the private server and the Discord server. It is crucial to read and understand these rules before participating.
If the rules are not followed, the administration reserves the right to suspend accounts without warning.
Prohibited acts on the Discord server
- Acts that cause inconvenience to members (such as spam or posting phishing URLs)
- Sending messages that put a load on members' devices
- Use of discriminatory language or any acts that amount to hatred or discrimination based on race, gender, religion, creed, social status, or sexual orientation
- Making excessively abusive remarks
- Malicious impersonation of other users
- Distributing cheats, viruses, or self-made software
- Posting or attaching NSFW* content
- Any act deemed inappropriate by the administration or a large number of users
* The abbreviation for "Not Safe for Work," which generally refers to content containing adult material, explicit or lewd content, violent imagery, or cruel expressions that are considered inappropriate for viewing or browsing.
Prohibited acts on the Server
- Creating alternate accounts (creating them will result in automatic restrictions)
- Broadcasting gameplay using cheat engines
- Using tablet filter functions (may trigger cheat detection systems)
- Using inappropriate avatars, banners, self-introductions, or usernames
- Use of discriminatory language or any acts that amount to hatred or discrimination based on race, gender, religion, creed, social status, or sexual orientation
- Malicious impersonation of other users
- Performing unnecessary computations on the server
- Any act deemed inappropriate by the administration or a large number of users
Reporting Procedures
If you witness or discover any misconduct, please report it to the administration at # 🎫 | ticket.
*False reporting may result in account restrictions.
Appeals Process
If you disagree with the administration's response, please report it to the administration at # 🎫 | ticket.
How to connect
Go to osu! local file
Right-click on "osu!.exe" then click on "Create shortcut"
Move it to any location (desktop is recommended)
Change to any name (no need to do it)
Right-click on it and click on "Properties"
Add one space and -devserver after "...\osu!.exe" in the "Target" field
Click on "Apply" and then "OK" to finish setting
Now you are connected to!
Dan Courses
Here you will find the requirements for passing the Dans and a link to download the map. You can also find these in
By passing a dan, the player's level increases by the level of the challenge.
Download link for Dans Map
Download maps (All Modes)
・osu! standard Download std dans
Map name Level Accuracy Score Mod Miss count Combo osu!droid Daninintei Course (Dan Course Team) 1 95.00%+ 0+ NM 40- 0+ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 osu! Standard Dan Certification - Overall 1 2 3 4 97.00%+ 30- 5 6 97.50%+ 25- 800+ 7 8 98.00%+ 15- 1,000+ 9 10 98.50%+ 10- 1,200+ -
・osu! taiko Download taiko dans
Map name Level Accuracy Score Mod Miss count Combo osu!Taiko Dan-I Dojo 1 0.00%+ 650,000+ Score V2 0- 0+ 2 3 4 5 6 7 700,000+ 8 9 10 750,000+ 11 12 13 800,000+ 14 15 16 17 18 Rise's Taiko Dans 1 700,000+ 2 3 4 5 6 750,000+ 7 8 9 800,000+ 10 ??? ??? -
・osu! catch Download ctb dans
Map name Level Accuracy Score Mod Miss count Combo Dan ~CTB~ 1 98.00%+ 0+ NM 0- 0+ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 99.00%+ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 -
・osu! mania Download mania dans
Map name Keys Accuracy Score Mod Miss count Combo Dan ~REFORM~ v2 4 96.00%+ 0+ NM 0- 0+ 4K LN Dan Courses v2 97.00%+ Score V2 4K shoegazer dan 96.00%+ NM TR1PLE DAN Chordjack Joker Dan 6K Regular Dan Course 6 6K Regular Advanced Dan Course 6K LN Dan Course 95.00%+ Regular Dan Phase 7 96.00%+ LN Dan Phase 95.00%+ Extra Level (Regular) 96.00%+ Extra Level (LN) 95.00%+ 10K BMS Dans Phase 10 Malody 4K Dan Regular 4 Malody 4K Dan Extra 96.00%+
Q. What is Mamestagram?
A. Mamestagram is a brand new private osu! server unlike any other. Enjoy many fun features that are not available on Bancho!
Q. What is private server?
A. A private osu! server is an unofficial server that allows players to play the osu! with custom features or modifications that differ from the official osu! servers. Also are maintained by individuals or groups and are not affiliated with the creators of the official game.
Q. How do I connect to the Server?
A. How to connect will help you to connect to the server.
Q. How do I play the Dan Courses?
A. You can download the map at Dan Courses or # 🎹 | dan. You can earn titles by passing the specified Dan course maps.
Q. Is it available to use my Bancho account on Mamestagram?
A. No, it isn't. Mamestagram requires a separate account to be created and under no circumstance will request access to your Bancho account.
Q. I don't know the Server Commands! Where do I find them?
A. Please visit # 📖 | commands to learn all the commands.
Q. How do I appeal my restriction?
A. Please report it to the administration at # 🎫 | ticket
Q. What do I do when I find a bug?
A. If you find any bugs, please create a post at # 📂 | bug-report, select the appropriate tag, and submit your post.
Q. I can't update a new version of osu.
A. You can't update while connected to Mamestagram! Please connect to Bancho to perform the update, then reconnect to Mamestagram. (This applies to all servers.)
Q. I want to suggest a new feature.
A. To suggest a new feature, please create a post at # 📨 | idea. We look foward to your ideas.