Status : enjoy osu!relax and sometimes play osu!mania but less than past<br>Bancho : GibJittimon <a class="default-link" href="http://"></a><br>Etterna : GibJittimon <a class="default-link" href="http://"></a><br>Quaver : GibJittimon <a class="default-link" href="http://"></a><br>--> YouTube : MynameisGib / Gibberellin <a class="default-link" href="http://"></a> / <a class="default-link" href="http://"></a><br>My goal [updated:2025/02/16]<br><strong>osu!rx</strong><br>1500pp (2025/02/16)<br>1000pp (2025/02/01)<br>100 SS (2025/02/09)<br>10M Ranked Score (2025/02/16)<br>First 100 pp top play (111 pp Zankoku na Tenshi no These R3 Music Box : 2025/02/01)<br>150pp<br>200pp <br><strong>osu!mania</strong><br>DAN REFORM //MAYBE CLEAR ON THIS SERVER LATER<br>4 V2 96.87% (24/01/22)<br>4 V1 97.27% (08/12/24)<br>5 V1 96.90% (18/12/24)<br>6 Clear Soon......<br><br>Hello! From the name of my channel, yes, my name is Gib.<br>(It might sound strange, right? It’s in Thai.)<br><br>I started playing VSRG in July 2021, starting with FNF -> Funky Friday, and then osu!mania.<br>I played for about 5-6 months before I quit ,because my keyboard broke and I had to focus on school.<br>[My peak rank #29,675 01/01/22]<br><br>Now, I’ve come back to playing VSRG again! (31/11/24) I found out that my very old keyboard still works.<br>I’m also practicing osu!ctb osu!stdrx and 6k.