aka: sqoopo, sqoopoo, woloo
I Love Chitose
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This Will Be the Day (feat. Casey Lee Williams) [7K Insane] by Jeff Williams
mapped by arcwinolivirus
Suddenly (feat. Rebecca) (Nightcore Mix) [Inner Oni] by Arash
mapped by nevqr
Mopemope [-"cute.-.] by LeaF
mapped by eZmmR
Gotcha Gotcha [Muzukashii] by Akatsuki Records
mapped by SenSenko
Crazy Shuffle [Hyper Stage] by Yooh
mapped by _Hikari
[@__@] [[h__h]] by Chroma
mapped by Jakads
Submerged City [Hard] by Shinji Hosoe
mapped by MarioUniverseZ
Wer ist Faust? [Inner Oni?] by Unlucky Morpheus
mapped by iRedi
Star of the COME ON!! [Insane] by Frums
mapped by Toaph Daddy
NIGHT FLIGHT [v2b] by Perfume
mapped by Breeze
Kischer Marsch-OWATA [Insane] by Hatsune Miku
mapped by v2b
DR PEPPER IS THE OLDEST MAJOR SOFT DRINK IN AMERICA [You' rerealllyaswellpersonyouknowthat?! Well THANK YOU!] by xaev
mapped by wafer
Speedcore 300 [Insane] by Hypernite Industries
mapped by nowsmart
Shikairo Days (TV Size) [Andrea's Light Insane] by Shika-bu
mapped by Sotarks
Laur-chan Taisou Daiichi [Alptraum's Hard] by Laur
mapped by Carpihat
unravel [unshakeable] by Ado
mapped by Scotty
Suspended [Blue Gem Lock] by firebrandboy
mapped by Share
aoi kokoro [oni] by ITHAQUA
mapped by Hivie
mapped by Critical_Star
Horrible Kids [Insane] by Set It Off
mapped by My Angel Ram
Barberia Tango [7K Hard] by ARM (IOSYS) x PAPRIKA (BUTAOTOME)
mapped by Telzzxs
Start Again [MiracleE's Insane] by ONE OK ROCK
mapped by A r M i N
tp na ame [hyper] by ZERATch
mapped by keksikosu
Genyo Ressha no Tabi [Hard] by Chroma
mapped by Silicosis 2
Breakoriki [SudoKu's Inner Oni] by KingNick
mapped by Dekovner
Shout Baby (TV Size) [My Scream] by Ryokuoushoku Shakai
mapped by Yuiazu-
Zenith [sv new] by Snail's House
mapped by tama11
Aegleseeker [FLeVI's Future] by Silentroom vs. Frums
mapped by [Crz]Alleyne
Barberia Tango [4K Expert] by ARM (IOSYS) x PAPRIKA (BUTAOTOME)
Aegleseeker ("Afterworld" Full Version) [Hard] by Silentroom vs. Frums
mapped by Blocko
I wanna be a girl [Can LoliNote be cute ? owo ?] by mafumafu
mapped by LostCool
Draw me a map, Let me feel the tap [Hell Oni] by Kabocha
mapped by ulko
Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) [Nard] by My Chemical Romance
mapped by DiamondCrash
ne uchi (Cut Ver.) [you won't be saved from people like me] by kis-kis
mapped by Maxim-Miau
Koigokoro [Insane] by Primastella
mapped by ktgster
Opal (Cut Ver.) [Croco's Insane] by Zekk
Kizuato [Muzukashii] by a*ru
mapped by -Sh1n1-
Noise [Twilight] by MIOYAMAZAKI
theyaremanycolors [hard] by Frums
mapped by _Stan
ricky bobby [stan's mx] by leroy
mapped by guden
ametsuchi [muzukashii] by stereoberry
mapped by vzlen
Brazil [Brazilian Jacks] by Apollo
mapped by Lumpita