<span style="font-size: 200%">Retired.</span><br><br>----------------------<br><br>Speed Main<br><br>Upscroll gang<br><br>13k pp on bacho before de rework<br><br>nefzsto on bancho<br><br><br>Some Cool Achievements<br><br>Delta 97% (Aquaris And Future Dominators Mindblock XD)<br>-<br>Delta 1.05x S rank!!! (Aquaris Clear! and volcanic overclear i think xd)<br>-<br>Epsilon sample 94,63% (Log-in Clear!)<br>-<br>Rebirth the End S rank!!! (Since i barely play LNS i think it's pretty good)<br>-<br>Mario Paint D-ANOTHER OD9 95% Choke (94,66% :'v)<br>-<br>Night Club Junkie S Rank (yes)<br>-<br>Volcanic 1.1 OD9 S rank (Cleared OD8 Version)<br>-<br>Volcanic 1.0 OD9 98% XD<br>-<br>Conspiracy of Silence 1.2x S rank<br>-<br>3.14 (TT MIX) 1.25 OD9 96%<br>-<br>Cyber Inductance DT 98% (Pato Blessing :pray:)<br>-<br>Devils Never Cry 1.15x Original OD (7.6) S rank<br><br><br>I have some more but i'm too lazy to put them here XD