Last seen: 6 month(s) ago 6 M ago
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Abstruse Dilemma [LN Dilemma] by Ashrount vs. D-D-Dice
mapped by Begin
Atlantico Blue [eZmmR & Luka's Sentiment] by Sasaki Sayaka
mapped by MisterLuka
Sakura no Uta [LN [1.2x Rate]] by Hana
mapped by Hylotl
Moratorium no Oto [ShuChan!!] by Natsuhi Shinonome (CV- Yuri Hinami)
mapped by shuniki
Aim Burst [LN Challenge].osu] by DJ Sharpnel
mapped by Night Bunny 7
Veauty and Violence [Beyond the Firmament] by cosMo@BousouP
mapped by mystV
Batsubyou [LN Life] by Wolpis Carter
Aishite Aishite Aishite [Begin's Curse] by kurokumo
mapped by Remuring
Hylotl's LN Pack 2 (LN Wall Practice) [katagiri - Nyan-Nyan Naughty Night] by Various Artists
Hylotl's LN Pack 2 (LN Wall Practice) [katagiri - Sendan Life (katagiri bootleg)] by Various Artists
Bossfight Afterparty [Raid Shadow Legends] by Virtual Riot
mapped by Paturages
CIRCVMZENITHAL:ARK [Noah] by seatrus
Shine!! [LN Challenge] by DJ Sharpnel
4K LN Dan Courses v2 - Extra Level - [12th Dan - Yuugure (Marathon)] by Various Artists
mapped by _underjoy
Muteki no Soldier [LN Soldier] by yanaginagi
Yume Chizu [eZmmR & Luka's Beautiful Dream] by yuikonnu
mapped by eZmmR
Yuunagi, Bou, Hana Madoi [Fireworks, Summer Night (LN)] by Yorushika
Yui & I (Cut Ver) [ShuChan!!] by Helblinde
Makiba [LN Challenge] by Jea
Ring ! Run ! Nyan!! [meow~] by MisomyL
mapped by AelSan
Booths of Fighters (Camellia's "Barrage of Flurries" Remix) [myst's "Barrage of LN"] by RoughSketch feat. DD "Nakata" Metal
Kibou no Hoshi wa Seishou ni Noboru (uma vs. Morimori Atsushi Remix) [Future] by uma vs. Morimori Atsushi
mapped by cherrychou
Ice Angel [FULL LN Marathon 1.3x] by Yooh
Nameless Name [No Name] by TOGENASHI TOGEARI
Zenbu Kimi ga Ita kara Shittanda [My everything] by Suzuki Konomi
mapped by ruka
Nhelv [Zen] by Silentroom
mapped by [Crz]Crysarlene
Fansa [Fooo! ! \( ^o^)/ .] by mona (CV: Natsukawa Shiina)
Romance [Love letter] by YOASOBI
Sorairo Days [LN Challenge] by Assertive Fluttershy
Acquaintance [LN Challenge] by Outsider
Carnation (ck remix) [LN Master] by ck
mapped by Gekido-
Bling-Bang-Bang-Born [=w=] by Creepy Nuts
Arkadia [Destroyer] by BABYMETAL
mapped by Castella
10-dai no Dilemma [(T^T)] by inuha
mapped by [GB]SuddenDeath
Ice Angel [FULL LN Marathon] by Yooh
Aimai Attitude (feat. Nakamura Sanso) [Aimai LN] by rejection
Hylotl's LN Pack 4 [Feryquitous feat. Aitsuki Nakuru - Kairikou (Cut ver.) [Mapped by zzzzzzsa6177]] by Various Artists
dichroma, ludiosia. [dilemma] by rN vs. [Shanom, ptar124 & Zekai]
mapped by HowToPlayLN
NEURO-CLOUD-9 [Neurotoxin] by Camellia
Tempestissimo [LN Tempest] by t+pazolite
Hylotl's LN Pack 4 [Ariabl'eyeS - Kegare Naki Bara Juuji] by Various Artists
Maware! Setsugetsuka [LN bukbuk] by Harada Hitomi, Kayano Ai & Ogura Yui
mapped by pieerre
Hylotl's LN Pack 3 [Laur - Exitium] by Various Artists
Aventyr [Adventure] by Rigel Theatre
Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku wo [Melancholy] by yuikonnu
mapped by Oceanus
This Future (we didn't expect) [4k // Unimaginable] by Camellia
mapped by ICECAKE
A Reyvateil's Curse [FULL Noodle's Curse] by Helblinde
Gyakkou [ShuChan!!+] by Sakamoto Maaya
Yuru Fuwa Jukai Girl (Cut Ver.) [cewe ganja] by Lon
mapped by Ainer
Celestial Axes [Amaranthine] by nmk
fortissimo -the ultimate crisis- [Illuminate] by fripSide
Idola no Circus [LN Circus] by Himeringo
Kiss no Hitotsu de [Berguling uwu] by Sasaki Sayaka
mapped by TimBergling
Unsynchronized Rhythms [Chaotically Unsynced] by Supa7onyz pres. 5-let
mapped by Polytetral
Myths Orbis [Deification 1.05x] by Raimukun
mapped by Selitation
No. 6 [X] by Helix
Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon (Cut Ver.) [Blood Moon] by COOL&CREATE
mapped by TheFunk
The lost [in the dark] by ABE3
Yuusha [Castella's Journey End // 4K Extra] by YOASOBI
Chaoz Airflow [[FULL LN] Chaoz Airflow 1.1x] by ParagonX9
Ame to Asphalt [ShuChan!! x eZmmR x Luka's drizzle] by 40mP feat. yuikonnu
Hylotl's LN Pack 4 [Hana - Tenkyuu no Shita no Kiseki] by Various Artists
Demon Pack 3 - LN Master 3rd [Camellia - ANOMALY [DEMON]] by Demon
mapped by lpddemon
Hug [Melodies] by MIMI
Slaughta [chalLeNge] by JAKAZiD
mapped by lemonguy
Lazorbeamz [NOODLEZ BEAMZ] by Vaenus
Hylotl's LN Pack 3 [Shaman Cure-All - Tuk Tuk Boshi] by Various Artists
Lazorbeamz [FULL NOODLEZ BEAMZ] by Vaenus
Yubi Bouenkyou [Morgiana] by Nogizaka46
Credens justitiam [Malice] by Kajiura Yuki
SECRET BOSS [Last staNd (w/ [Crz]Crysarlene)] by Camellia
Last Wish [End] by Kry.exe feat. Ice
mapped by FelixSpade
Kimagure Romantic [ShuChan!!] by Rie Takahashi
Peko Miko Daisensou!! [PEKO! PEKO! PEKO! PEKO! >w<!] by REDALiCE feat. Usada Pekora & Sakura Miko
mapped by emO_Oticon
Clover [LN Master] by Kommisar
Ooedo Ranvu [corruption] by Giga-P feat. GUMI, KYO
MY VOICE [BANGKE x Yururu's KDHR] by Kudo Haruka
mapped by -BANGKE-
Avantgarde [Finale] by Raimukun
Bocchi the Rock! 4K LN Songs pack [Hitoribocchi Tokyo] by kessoku band
Bug [Flawful] by Kairiki Bear
mapped by Micleak
Bocchi the Rock! 4K LN Songs pack [Love Song ga Utaenai] by kessoku band
ch3rry [LN] by katagiri
Gomakashi [Muses & eZmmR's Sugar Memories] by TrySail
Eviternity [LN Eviternity] by Xyris
Signal Graph [ShuChan!!+] by Annabel
Gomakashi [Truth] by TrySail
Yume Hanabi [Yo da Yo] by Nakiri Ayame
Last Proof [ShuChan!!] by ZAQ
Hai Yorokonde [My Pleasure] by Kocchi no Kento
mapped by Nicknem_
xfpsb 4K LN Advanced Dan Course (Part II) [5th Dan - Beyond] by Various Artists
eternal reality [eZmmR x Luka's Silent Party] by fripSide
Hoihoi*Gensou Holoism [Emida & Castella's Ahoy! Senchou] by Houshou Marine with Holoism Fantasy
mapped by Emida
Beyond The Aexis [Beyond The LN] by SDMNE
Lilith [sways of lust] by Kabocha feat. Aitsuki Nakuru
mapped by Akatsumi Chan
Hylotl's LN Pack 2 (LN Wall Practice) [Camellia feat. nanahira - finorza [zzzzzzsa6177 feat. Hylotl]] by Various Artists
Black Princess [LN Master x1.15] by Hatsuki Yura
Love is War [Lust.] by Helblinde
mapped by RemFangirl
More One Night (Assertive Hardcore Bootleg) [long ver.] [eZmmR x Enie's Last Tour] by Chito (CV: Minase Inori), Yuuri (CV: Kubo Yurika)
killy killy JOKER [ShuChan!!] by Wakeshima Kanon
Bookmaker [Cryptic] by Kobaryo
Emotional Clap [Angry Birds] by Dubstep 2
mapped by DannyPX
Jinrui Mina Senpai (Mtell & Ange;art Hardcore Bootleg) [LN Senpai!] by Azuma Lim
Find The Way [Endless] by FELT
mapped by Slowless
One Day Sky [The Final ShuChan!!] by Suzuki Konomi
Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon (Cut Ver.) [Blood Moon 1.1x (220bpm)] by COOL&CREATE