
Beatmap info

MAX - The Power Of Light [12] ★4.21 15 mapped by Alipay
Alipay's 6k practice pack Vol.9
Various Artists
2:43 155.01 2075

Circle Size


HP Drain




Approach Rate


Star Rating


Success Rate


Score Ranking


김 따이 현

achieved 11 month(s) ago

Total Score Accuracy Max Combo
995,745 99.91% 2,082x
Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
1,739 181 5 0 0 0 186 11m
Score Accuracy Player Combo Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
#1 995,745 99.91% 김 따이 현 2,082x 1,739 181 5 0 0 0 186 11m
#2 972,973 99.25% アスキン・ナックルヴァール 861x 1,541 350 27 5 0 2 174 6m
#3 946,487 98.71% zundafanboyfan 1,048x 1,490 375 51 3 1 5 150 1d
#4 869,628 97.11% sillycat1221 471x 1,370 446 73 13 2 21 149 1y
#5 859,753 96.64% SSIBAL 428x 1,210 571 114 9 2 19 140 1y
#6 834,077 96.22% boge 725x 1,141 629 115 14 6 20 134 5m
#7 701,550 91.00% IppeiMizuhara 257x 1,024 570 200 60 26 45 169 2w