
Beatmap info

Stairway to the Moon ★4.47 56 mapped by qodtjr
Legend of Moonlight
1:55 160 1636

Circle Size


HP Drain




Approach Rate


Star Rating


Success Rate


Score Ranking



achieved 1 year(s) ago

Total Score Accuracy Max Combo
993,685 99.89% 1,637x
Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
1,325 230 5 0 0 0 208 1y
Score Accuracy Player Combo Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
#1 993,685 99.89% .asf 1,637x 1,325 230 5 0 0 0 208 1y
#2 992,625 99.96% yips 1,636x 1,222 336 2 0 0 0 204 1m
#3 985,769 99.65% morita 1,634x 1,320 228 8 3 1 0 205 5m
#4 983,374 99.61% morisan 831x 1,265 279 15 0 0 1 202 1y
#5 979,266 99.44% 音乃瀬奏 833x 1,194 344 19 2 0 1 198 1y
#6 971,981 99.10% flolika 1,007x 1,239 288 26 5 0 2 196 3m
#7 960,173 98.79% Cardinal 1,177x 1,269 251 29 5 1 5 194 4m
#8 959,816 99.22% 발판 702x 1,192 343 18 2 1 4 195 1y
#9 896,722 97.72% 진짜8단이한계 501x 1,023 459 59 8 3 8 172 1m
#10 802,402 96.08% velis 424x 970 460 99 8 1 22 153 1m
#11 757,672 94.16% gomplayer 345x 926 446 131 26 5 26 131 1y
#12 750,459 94.20% sillycat1221 528x 868 503 134 26 3 26 129 1y
#13 680,885 89.55% tptplayer 524x 793 467 173 54 22 51 78 8m