
Beatmap info

UHD ★6.50 67 mapped by hansuyo
The Big Black
The Quick Brown Fox
2:21 360.3 2262

Circle Size


HP Drain




Approach Rate


Star Rating


Success Rate


Score Ranking



achieved 4 month(s) ago

Total Score Accuracy Max Combo
947,527 98.48% 1,321x
Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
1,358 387 55 8 1 3 435 4m
Score Accuracy Player Combo Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
#1 947,527 98.48% DanTDM 1,321x 1,358 387 55 8 1 3 435 4m
#2 905,244 97.16% no ratio 1,077x 1,321 387 70 17 1 16 400 1w
#3 898,219 97.83% yazki 913x 1,258 470 61 11 2 10 411 4d
#4 895,256 96.73% laptop gamer 681x 1,197 485 97 18 1 14 379 7m
#5 855,816 96.31% NoriahFangirl 426x 1,275 413 77 16 3 28 376 10m
#6 845,373 95.36% RelaX1um 463x 1,048 597 108 32 2 25 333 7m
#7 842,339 96.04% [Crz]peppy 410x 1,047 610 113 23 1 18 349 2m
#8 829,230 95.59% HowLin 633x 1,089 566 102 26 3 26 342 2m
#9 825,357 95.48% MyAngelIkuyo 394x 1,098 528 147 16 5 18 341 7m
#10 819,799 95.01% Shemp 503x 1,054 565 143 20 3 27 325 1w
#11 818,541 95.81% 귤심장 533x 1,231 434 94 18 15 20 360 2m
#12 797,547 93.30% арсенжимеров 595x 982 577 172 48 5 28 278 7m
#13 786,813 92.69% Jordan T Carter 1,010x 1,071 460 201 43 1 36 271 10m
#14 783,993 93.43% SpeedDemon4k 476x 1,001 570 166 33 2 40 283 3w