
Beatmap info

7K Awakened ★4.89 35 mapped by arcwinolivirus
Sora no Senritsu -the melody of the cosmos- feat.lily-an (OP Cut)
Iced Blade
1:37 186 1544

Circle Size


HP Drain




Approach Rate


Star Rating


Success Rate


Score Ranking



achieved 8 month(s) ago

Total Score Accuracy Max Combo
996,398 99.91% 1,544x
Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
1,427 113 4 0 0 0 263 8m
Score Accuracy Player Combo Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
#1 996,398 99.91% キプフェル 1,544x 1,427 113 4 0 0 0 263 8m
#2 995,793 99.91% Kana 1,544x 1,394 146 4 0 0 0 261 1y
#3 987,066 99.59% Auyama 1,544x 1,197 329 17 1 0 0 246 8m
#4 956,940 98.77% 芙宁娜是我的妻子 845x 1,218 280 39 3 0 4 237 11m
#5 955,302 98.52% Remolacha 1,458x 1,138 346 53 5 1 1 229 8m
#6 955,220 99.05% codibreaker 793x 1,266 244 28 2 0 4 243 5m
#7 943,259 98.72% CattoRice 710x 1,099 402 32 5 1 5 230 11m
#8 924,811 98.07% ばくあ 751x 1,171 298 65 5 1 4 225 1y
#9 887,041 97.28% usf 735x 877 555 102 6 0 4 424 1m
#10 874,462 97.00% 아카네 리제 596x 1,063 379 79 9 0 14 206 1m
#11 836,411 96.70% HittingMyBlinky 588x 927 508 85 3 2 19 195 7m
#12 816,896 96.00% 진짜8단이한계 634x 932 469 116 9 5 13 186 11m
#13 798,179 94.42% yohak 753x 901 449 148 23 9 14 164 7m
#14 742,946 94.13% Rennnn 388x 769 584 135 29 4 23 154 8m
#15 670,560 90.98% ( ˘ω˘ ) 272x 770 473 220 39 12 30 242 1y