
Beatmap info

Another ★4.87 88 mapped by the blue frawog
Sendan Life (katagiri Bootleg)
Remo Prototype (CV: Hanamori Yumiri)
3:22 260 2854

Circle Size


HP Drain




Approach Rate


Star Rating


Success Rate


Score Ranking



achieved 3 week(s) ago

Total Score Accuracy Max Combo
991,128 99.83% 1,980x
Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
2,496 311 7 1 1 1 256 3w
Score Accuracy Player Combo Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
#1 991,128 99.83% tampy 1,980x 2,496 311 7 1 1 1 256 3w
#2 985,245 99.52% rAtentg 1,537x 2,228 552 33 4 0 0 244 4d
#3 948,619 98.57% ゲヘナシロモップ 834x 1,767 944 97 3 0 6 219 1w
#4 942,699 98.69% new to mania 1,313x 2,228 514 52 9 2 12 234 3w
#5 940,581 98.10% Singularikitty 1,338x 1,709 969 120 16 1 2 211 2w
#6 940,465 98.80% 이카 1,187x 2,121 628 48 6 1 13 232 2w
#7 939,683 98.18% luisFVB321542 1,230x 2,023 679 87 16 3 9 221 2w
#8 934,957 98.55% ピピ美 936x 1,980 748 69 4 4 12 225 3w
#9 905,046 97.53% xiaori2333 732x 1,494 1,130 183 4 0 6 197 2w
#10 901,499 97.28% Stars 712x 1,776 852 159 18 2 10 203 3w
#11 866,809 97.46% 663SujakFan 495x 1,999 670 109 11 0 28 212 3d
#12 773,509 94.51% BloodyB120 559x 1,533 953 236 49 16 30 161 2w
#13 676,765 92.19% xkleix 576x 1,206 1,126 359 69 16 41 122 1d