
Beatmap info

the constellation of Bracket 1.1x (135bpm) ★5.48 47 mapped by taba2
Seiza ni Naretara
Kessoku Band
3:49 135.3 4939

Circle Size


HP Drain




Approach Rate


Star Rating


Success Rate


Score Ranking



achieved 9 month(s) ago

Total Score Accuracy Max Combo
994,085 99.86% 3,624x
Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
4,655 267 14 1 1 1 340 9m
Score Accuracy Player Combo Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
#1 994,085 99.86% gosy777 3,624x 4,655 267 14 1 1 1 340 9m
#2 986,701 99.70% マンコキ浮浪者 2,810x 4,005 895 35 2 1 1 323 1y
#3 953,921 98.93% flolika 1,183x 3,588 1,227 102 8 3 11 302 3m
#4 906,323 98.07% kimms20 811x 3,504 1,232 148 24 7 24 286 2m
#5 899,206 97.76% ハル 1,018x 3,564 1,146 166 20 5 38 282 1y
#6 896,246 97.29% 音乃瀬奏 1,296x 3,131 1,494 249 39 7 19 265 1y
#7 859,863 96.95% 春原 708x 3,156 1,434 278 37 4 30 260 1y
#8 845,590 96.75% My Angel Ajisai 938x 3,243 1,382 202 45 24 43 258 5m
#9 824,548 96.15% 진짜8단이한계 941x 2,943 1,588 296 54 16 42 242 6m
#10 783,208 95.49% S Z 744x 2,725 1,798 251 60 36 69 226 3w
#11 724,515 93.19% pikachu0310VRC 442x 2,915 1,361 416 124 47 76 193 3w
#12 661,466 91.55% お疲れ様です 266x 2,531 1,615 488 127 48 130 158 1m