
Beatmap info

Hatsuki Yura - Halloween of the Dead II ★4.49 65 mapped by mania 4K MAPS
Skwid Dump Pack 1
Various Artists
1:45 138 1851

Circle Size


HP Drain




Approach Rate


Star Rating


Success Rate


Score Ranking


쿠라시나 아스카

achieved 1 week(s) ago

Total Score Accuracy Max Combo
994,023 99.90% 1,836x
Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
1,471 249 5 0 0 0 211 1w
Score Accuracy Player Combo Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
#1 994,023 99.90% 쿠라시나 아스카 1,836x 1,471 249 5 0 0 0 211 1w
#2 987,944 99.70% 김 따이 현 1,826x 1,332 379 13 0 1 0 203 10m
#3 982,977 99.54% My Angel Ajisai 1,842x 1,162 539 24 0 0 0 195 2w
#4 980,466 99.52% FFT 1,357x 1,303 399 22 0 0 1 200 1y
#5 963,709 99.17% ubyicakrovi2003 1,336x 1,163 524 35 1 0 2 191 8m
#6 893,476 97.45% Selia 607x 1,051 572 81 10 4 7 169 1y
#7 893,427 97.74% gregzz4ng 942x 974 648 94 4 0 5 169 5m
#8 891,669 97.70% 귤심장 413x 1,180 464 57 9 2 13 176 6m
#9 884,605 96.84% ツマヨウ寺 602x 968 630 104 6 7 10 159 7m
#10 865,516 96.97% 끼에에에에에엑 506x 993 613 96 7 2 14 0 10m
#11 840,581 96.24% CROCODILER 537x 938 628 136 9 3 11 152 6m
#12 839,636 95.99% Kimlachal 695x 955 596 151 12 1 10 150 1m
#13 837,174 96.27% SYS 595x 941 631 127 11 2 13 152 10m
#14 817,787 94.27% 선우 650x 906 596 170 30 5 18 130 5m
#15 817,664 96.85% カリン・ウィクス 389x 991 608 102 10 2 12 160 5m
#16 804,238 95.87% Siroocake 415x 1,001 574 108 16 9 17 150 3m
#17 471,523 98.77% Iridium 1,073x 1,399 288 21 7 3 7 98 10m