
Beatmap info

The lost-Underjoy's in the dark [1.15x Rate] ★8.77 32 mapped by CPT_Sivelia
Sivelia's impossible LN pack 3
Various Artists
1:57 255.3 3884

Circle Size


HP Drain




Approach Rate


Star Rating


Success Rate


Score Ranking



achieved 7 month(s) ago

Total Score Accuracy Max Combo
933,854 98.36% 1,318x
Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
2,840 997 94 11 3 6 782 7m
Score Accuracy Player Combo Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
#1 933,854 98.36% Chodan 1,318x 2,840 997 94 11 3 6 782 7m
#2 911,208 97.92% Paulkzu 1,169x 2,657 1,152 115 10 1 16 753 6m
#3 849,952 96.44% Plana 796x 2,559 1,149 171 26 2 44 683 10m
#4 835,104 95.94% ouga 537x 2,463 1,198 203 41 15 31 656 6m
#5 830,878 95.92% 小梅 693x 2,348 1,333 184 26 8 52 649 9m
#6 685,722 91.41% bochi 538x 854 938 238 56 20 52 373 1y
#7 684,323 91.60% Nigru 505x 2,192 1,192 348 69 24 126 453 2d
#8 668,428 90.96% Limber 618x 1,923 1,425 363 74 43 123 410 9m
#9 648,257 90.18% у 616x 1,841 1,432 421 104 20 133 372 1y
#10 639,852 89.71% soliichii 414x 1,780 1,443 479 81 28 140 348 10m