
Beatmap info

Expert ★5.17 83 mapped by Eclipse-
The Everlasting Calamity That Shifts The Time - Space Continuum...
2:22 286.5 2135

Circle Size


HP Drain




Approach Rate


Star Rating


Success Rate


Score Ranking



achieved 2 month(s) ago

Total Score Accuracy Max Combo
994,669 99.95% 2,135x
Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
1,815 317 3 0 0 0 291 2m
Score Accuracy Player Combo Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
#1 994,669 99.95% yoruk 2,135x 1,815 317 3 0 0 0 291 2m
#2 987,232 99.86% Alexnirou_Bv 931x 1,929 202 1 1 0 2 295 5m
#3 983,628 99.59% Sammwy? 1,111x 1,685 428 19 1 1 1 280 5m
#4 983,579 99.50% TheFallenStarzz 2,135x 1,536 567 32 0 0 0 272 5m
#5 977,900 99.13% Rusty :I 2,135x 1,582 498 54 1 0 0 269 7m
#6 971,265 99.44% 해린 1,390x 1,597 509 25 1 0 3 274 4m
#7 968,377 99.31% kirby6843 1,077x 1,674 432 20 2 1 6 275 7m
#8 929,925 98.16% laptop gamer 575x 1,313 722 90 2 0 8 303 7m
#9 928,696 98.06% Soranoel 836x 1,353 685 78 8 6 5 243 6m
#10 882,362 97.78% Tk7 732x 1,337 686 95 3 1 13 238 10m
#11 817,107 96.29% Robzito 442x 1,252 695 151 23 3 11 213 7m
#12 815,013 95.75% Spendingcow 401x 1,102 816 179 20 2 16 199 4m
#13 783,847 95.62% b0ng 300x 1,250 698 128 24 1 34 445 4m
#14 768,816 94.41% Jessie_Pinkman9 368x 1,134 740 194 34 6 27 181 1m
#15 735,508 93.82% eternal 351x 1,130 696 246 38 2 23 377 10m
#16 698,710 92.80% phylacterya 235x 965 833 254 39 6 38 150 3m
#17 690,984 92.16% DuxClop 273x 1,061 710 267 52 7 38 145 4m
#18 675,840 90.32% jvana 280x 902 768 357 60 2 46 112 3m
#19 655,126 88.17% BahnOsu 340x 1,008 656 277 91 20 83 86 9m