
Beatmap info

Taste of home x1.25 (Chordjack) ★5.96 57 mapped by Magikarp1234
Magikarp1234's Alpha Beta Dan Practice Pack
Various Artists
0:36 133.75 822

Circle Size


HP Drain




Approach Rate


Star Rating


Success Rate


Score Ranking



achieved 1 year(s) ago

Total Score Accuracy Max Combo
998,152 100.00% 823x
Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
684 43 0 0 0 0 394 1y
Score Accuracy Player Combo Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
#1 998,152 100.00% mofu33rabbit 823x 684 43 0 0 0 0 394 1y
#2 994,436 99.82% x12r7u 824x 657 66 4 0 0 0 386 1m
#3 984,764 99.72% [-idk] thebeate 790x 655 68 3 0 0 1 384 6m
#4 974,853 99.40% 우쥬채강짱짱우잉 668x 654 62 10 0 0 1 378 1m
#5 948,684 98.76% 부산총잡이 350x 568 141 12 2 2 2 351 9m
#6 938,095 98.46% Cswnt 765x 485 216 20 4 1 1 331 1y
#7 933,828 98.35% 물티슈 396x 559 145 13 6 2 2 341 10m
#8 931,165 98.44% psychameron 419x 597 109 12 4 2 3 350 1m
#9 925,622 98.99% mrekk. 449x 532 180 11 1 0 3 349 8m
#10 917,682 98.28% 宵崎奏 602x 488 212 20 3 1 3 328 10m
#11 914,659 97.89% 진짜8단이한계 426x 466 228 24 3 4 2 317 8m
#12 909,119 98.21% manipplayer727 497x 532 170 15 6 0 4 334 7m
#13 889,442 96.91% lml 326x 416 252 54 0 3 2 290 8m
#14 878,009 96.45% mixzxy 566x 409 260 46 3 3 6 280 11m
#15 866,754 96.61% 고구마 591x 378 297 38 5 2 7 277 1y
#16 861,915 94.77% I'm the sigma 559x 443 200 64 10 0 10 254 1w
#17 849,278 94.31% exodo 524x 458 191 47 15 2 14 248 7m
#18 713,008 90.03% T1 NEPIA 285x 395 196 78 33 3 22 157 1m