
Beatmap info

Im getting on the bus to the other world, see ya! [1.15x] (Lostcool) ★11.08 28 mapped by leejihun0041611
For ET Rate Pack
2:45 276 6165

Circle Size


HP Drain




Approach Rate


Star Rating


Success Rate


Score Ranking



achieved 1 year(s) ago

Total Score Accuracy Max Combo
848,535 97.15% 934x
Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
2,489 1,777 87 35 13 64 1,154 1y
Score Accuracy Player Combo Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
#1 848,535 97.15% SatonoCrown 934x 2,489 1,777 87 35 13 64 1,154 1y
#2 828,058 96.03% Shiro 1,175x 2,572 1,622 102 68 17 84 1,080 1y
#3 822,200 95.84% Cookierun Kindom 1,291x 2,349 1,851 90 50 16 109 1,041 1y
#4 800,794 94.84% [Ruka Rozen E.] 935x 2,239 1,903 104 56 27 136 955 1y
#5 776,945 94.66% Mystic 492x 2,185 1,906 159 73 30 112 935 8m
#6 755,113 94.16% 너굴맨의성장일기 511x 1,960 2,097 177 68 39 124 873 1m
#7 747,526 93.29% Mihari 409x 2,116 1,903 165 92 35 154 826 4m
#8 742,056 93.86% ElXokasYT 410x 4,182 2,020 300 86 61 174 977 1y
#9 739,187 92.09% 마히루딥러브 1,128x 1,698 2,197 253 120 48 149 690 1y
#10 707,523 90.87% Nekomancer 464x 1,571 2,283 222 144 43 202 585 1y
#11 695,184 90.77% uso 555x 1,536 2,292 263 125 48 201 575 1y