
Beatmap info

The last cold snap ★5.13 61 mapped by Dubstek
springtime of life (2019 Rework)
3:02 180 3377

Circle Size


HP Drain




Approach Rate


Star Rating


Success Rate


Score Ranking



achieved 1 year(s) ago

Total Score Accuracy Max Combo
991,900 99.94% 2,448x
Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
2,427 379 2 0 0 1 251 1y
Score Accuracy Player Combo Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
#1 991,900 99.94% MJG 2,448x 2,427 379 2 0 0 1 251 1y
#2 989,963 99.85% Laptop User 3,332x 2,099 697 13 0 0 0 241 2m
#3 982,971 99.73% アシュリー 3,129x 1,944 845 18 1 0 1 235 8m
#4 977,209 99.40% Maghy 2,770x 1,875 888 43 1 1 1 229 5m
#5 972,600 99.06% Rusty :I 3,257x 1,671 1,064 69 4 1 0 218 7m
#6 966,200 99.38% マンハッタンカフェ 2,192x 1,969 803 28 2 1 6 231 6m
#7 964,296 99.29% Chordjack 1,050x 1,901 864 34 3 2 5 228 8m
#8 956,184 98.98% 테시 2,122x 2,931 1,066 49 5 1 3 233 1y
#9 954,945 99.04% NO 재능 948x 1,713 1,025 65 2 0 4 219 3m
#10 932,992 98.82% 7777 814x 1,839 900 53 4 1 12 220 1m
#11 923,954 98.24% ElXokasYT 1,411x 2,774 1,151 115 6 0 9 443 6m
#12 906,178 97.54% Kasie 1,091x 1,531 1,103 152 12 3 8 195 3m
#13 884,663 97.24% gregzz4ng 1,448x 1,451 1,161 173 11 3 10 189 11m
#14 825,155 96.32% gay cat 449x 1,400 1,178 178 24 6 23 177 1y
#15 779,301 94.99% 이카 434x 1,359 1,153 216 31 11 39 159 3m
#16 730,597 93.78% skob 348x 1,215 1,204 291 57 13 29 279 1y
#17 608,490 86.99% Tixij 361x 994 1,102 440 139 48 86 99 1y