
Beatmap info

LN Master ★6.25 107 mapped by Gekido-
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~
2:06 206 3452

Circle Size


HP Drain




Approach Rate


Star Rating


Success Rate


Score Ranking



achieved 1 year(s) ago

Total Score Accuracy Max Combo
991,591 99.74% 3,590x
Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
3,118 467 5 0 0 0 417 1y
Score Accuracy Player Combo Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
#1 991,591 99.74% ElXokasYT 3,590x 3,118 467 5 0 0 0 417 1y
#2 987,551 99.79% tomato727 3,037x 1,343 579 12 0 0 0 390 5m
#3 984,840 99.53% UnitisNOTet 3,590x 2,905 670 13 2 0 0 406 9m
#4 961,752 98.94% Rinjun789 2,094x 2,620 909 57 2 0 2 386 8m
#5 960,319 99.03% у 1,823x 2,662 879 41 4 2 2 389 6m
#6 958,797 99.28% Sivelia 1,387x 1,356 550 20 2 0 6 380 5m
#7 954,714 98.95% 테시 1,910x 2,752 779 50 3 1 5 390 1y
#8 950,901 98.70% eternal 2,126x 2,624 885 72 4 2 3 381 10m
#9 942,818 98.69% 桂乃芬 1,279x 2,563 954 61 4 3 5 379 1y
#10 934,809 98.46% not zkuri 1,405x 2,599 904 67 8 0 12 375 6m
#11 932,924 98.17% FakeAXERRIA 1,495x 2,383 1,079 120 3 2 3 363 1m
#12 924,175 98.19% bmi13 2,035x 2,454 1,029 86 4 7 10 365 2m
#13 907,609 97.77% 星空凛 1,315x 2,218 1,226 129 3 2 12 350 6m
#14 906,057 97.54% SheRie 1,047x 2,190 1,219 168 7 1 5 344 2m
#15 906,014 97.75% Gunji789 1,206x 2,453 1,001 106 6 2 22 356 6m
#16 901,365 97.63% 大蛇丸 1,031x 2,405 1,031 123 10 11 10 352 11m
#17 896,851 97.47% Jordan T Carter 532x 1,111 718 78 9 6 12 326 7m
#18 892,269 97.21% shootnow 1,040x 924 876 116 7 2 9 307 1y
#19 881,407 97.29% 감자빵 1,093x 1,973 1,447 142 5 10 13 333 1m
#20 849,274 96.39% Jelly 672x 2,058 1,287 199 15 7 24 317 1y
#21 845,703 96.47% EternalFool 413x 923 862 115 10 4 20 292 8m
#22 825,717 95.38% 냥꼬리 860x 1,973 1,288 266 26 7 30 293 6m
#23 821,285 96.05% rythmik 642x 860 884 164 12 2 12 279 6m
#24 797,671 95.31% clocklin 567x 2,112 1,165 230 26 27 30 296 4m
#25 735,750 93.09% Tom Connor 440x 823 815 219 41 16 20 216 5m
#26 617,211 88.17% whenigood 379x 1,331 1,370 673 130 17 69 126 1m
#27 544,066 85.71% Fong_Zi 308x 1,491 1,176 567 139 72 145 79 3d