
Beatmap info

Jacks by the River [1.4x Rate] ★6.42 77 mapped by chistoefur
Cake by the Ocean
2:33 166.6 3084

Circle Size


HP Drain




Approach Rate


Star Rating


Success Rate


Score Ranking



achieved 8 month(s) ago

Total Score Accuracy Max Combo
965,809 99.39% 1,105x
Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
2,778 228 6 8 0 11 472 8m
Score Accuracy Player Combo Merv Perf Great Good Bad Miss PP Time Mods
#1 965,809 99.39% C0mp1ex_ 1,105x 2,778 228 6 8 0 11 472 8m
#2 950,688 98.81% derusting 803x 2,655 317 27 14 1 17 452 11m
#3 948,412 99.06% eternal 1,005x 2,399 572 44 7 0 9 445 11m
#4 940,145 98.46% Cloutiful 801x 2,384 556 57 17 4 13 430 11m
#5 919,152 97.78% Rewrinded 1,012x 2,039 843 112 21 0 16 396 9m
#6 904,107 98.09% [-idk] thebeate 702x 2,077 847 69 9 1 28 406 3m
#7 901,645 97.58% PePeGA 1,216x 1,933 927 137 19 0 15 386 1m
#8 898,731 97.97% Orangie 552x 2,157 750 85 17 1 21 407 10m
#9 889,579 98.15% loser 545x 2,444 501 36 17 2 31 426 1y
#10 877,770 97.08% CrzMiyako 486x 1,984 880 108 19 1 39 377 1y
#11 867,718 97.26% PiliFangirl 655x 2,183 714 66 21 0 47 392 2m
#12 847,635 96.72% src 770x 2,460 465 89 16 0 52 398 1y